# Bing Speech API

Step by step Guide.
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- [Requirements](#requirements)
- [Microsoft Azure](#microsoft-azure-registration)
    - [Registration](#registration)
    - [Subscription plan](#subscription-plan)
    - [Bing Speech Service](#bing-speech-service)
- [BingConnector](#bing-connector)
- [Used online sources](#used-online-sources)

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## Requirements

- Valid Credit Card 
    - Service can be used for free! But you need to deposit a payment method.

## Microsoft Azure 

### Registration

- Create new [Azure](https://azure.microsoft.com/de-de/free/) Account

![Azure Registration](img/bing/azure-registration.png)

- Deposit a Payment Method - e.g. Credit Card
    - You will receive 170 Euro welcome bonus for the first month. (You have to spend that in this month)
- [Log-In](https://portal.azure.com/#dashboard/private) with your new Account 

### Subscription plan

- You have two options:
    1. Use your free trial subscription (ends after 30 days)
        - Go back to Azure Dashboard
    2. Create a new subscription (recommended)
        - Create new subscription for user-based payment
        ![Billing Menu](img/bing/billing-menu.png)
        - Click on that ![Manage Button](img/bing/manage-btn.png) button    
        - Create new subscription for user-based payment
        - Go back to Azure Dashboard

### Bing Speech Service

- Create a new Bing Speech Service (initialization might take a while)

    - Choose your subscription plan
    - Choose your pricing plan (here you should choose the F0 - free tier - for 5k calls in a month)
![Create Service](img/bing/create-new-bing-speech-service.png)

- Go back to Azure Dashboard and click on your new Service
- The secret keys and your subscription id is necessary for your authentication. You have to copy & paste them to your config.properties

![Bing Speech Service](img/bing/bing-speech-service-dashboard.png)

## Bing Connector

- For Text to Speech and Speech to Text requests.

public class BingConnector implements MessageListener {
    private void generateAccesToken(){}
    private void sendSpeechToTextRequest(final BotMessage botMessage){}
    private void sendTextToSpeechRequest(final BotMessage botMessage){}

- AccessToken is required to successfully send parsing-request. Token generates from secret-keys mentioned above.
- AccessToken decays after 10 mins. You need to refresh the Token.

__Important:__ Speech to Text REST requests need to have **_Transfer-Endcoding: chunked_** Header!

## Used online sources
- [Bing Speech API overview](https://docs.microsoft.com/de-de/azure/cognitive-services/speech/home)